Wednesday 5 July 2017

Roswell - UFO or NOT? Weather Balloon or Project Mogul?

If it had of been a UFO, the government would cover it up ‘For the safety of the population.' (Bless them.)

The evidence fabricated by the Air Force was so easy to produce. You could imagine the conversations ‘ Get a weather balloon rip it up a bit, and we will do a press release, and that will be the end of it.’ By this time far too many people had been involved. The military personnel were easy to silence with threats, The civilian population were either bribed or threatened which would cover the immediate aftermath of the incident, and it should have disappeared. But it did not.

The Government has had to reinforce the cover-up with maybe the top-secret Project Mogul which they could not disclose because it was detecting Russian Nuclear activity or lack of it. Project Mogul was a balloon with many more balloons attached, and odd shaped metal detectors that supposedly skimmed the surface of the desert near Roswell and left a few metal pieces behind and flew off again because it was lighter having less weight to carry. But didn’t the original cover-up show parts of a balloon? So how did it fly off again?

There are many affidavits from deceased service men too scared to say anything while they were alive about ETs and UFOs at Roswell. There are many documented fact that aliens were at the crash site of a UFO at Roswell. Watch the Smithsonian's drivel about the Roswell incident it is re-enforcing the Government line to the T. How stupid do they think we are? The Government can not be trusted e.g. Watergate and so many more incidents. It is left to the reporters and the general public to be relentless uncover the Government cover-ups.

When will the Governments around the world come clean about UFOs and ETs or Aliens? Deniel of UFOs will bite them on the BUM as they are here now and communicating with sensitive people on planet Earth. They are here to help us and take us to a higher level of existence. Look at the new inventions the little men in the streets are coming up with, only to be squashed by big business or Governments never to surface again.

ETs are here now and communicating with sensitive people (Channels and individuals that have advanced themselves beyond the mundane existence that Governments try to impose.) FACT

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Mining Complex on the Moon?

I would not be surprised if these were real buildings. What do you think? For further information on unexplained phenomena