Monday 24 July 2017

Mystery space signal is solved (It’s not aliens)

Mystery space signal is solved (It’s not aliens)

JUL 22, 2017

MIAMI – Astronomers have finally solved the mystery of peculiar signals coming from a nearby star, a story that sparked intense public speculation this week that perhaps, finally, alien life had been found.

It hasn’t. The signal, which has been formally named “Weird!” was interference from a distant satellite.

Of course, astronomers said all along that extra-terrestrials were quite far at the bottom of the list of possibilities for the signals detected from Ross 128, a dim star known as a red dwarf some 11 light-years away.

To experts, the true mystery was that they couldn’t figure out if the bursts were unusual stellar activity, emissions from other background objects, or interference from satellite communications.

“However, many people were more interested in the signals as potential proof of transmissions from an extraterrestrial intelligent civilization,” wrote Abel Mendez, director of the Planetary Habitability Laboratory at the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo in a blog post Friday, revealing the true nature of the signals.

After further fueling speculation by summoning the world experts in the hunt for life elsewhere in the universe — The SETI Berkeley Research Center at the University of California — the team issued its conclusion.

“We are now confident about the source of the Weird! Signal,” Mendez wrote.

“The best explanation is that the signals are transmissions from one or more geostationary satellites.”

The signals only appeared around Ross 128 because it is located “close to the celestial equator where many geostationary satellites are placed,” Mendez added.

He also released the results of an informal survey that he had posted on his website, asking people to weigh in on what they thought the source of the signals was, and whether or not they were scientists well versed in the matter.

“Nearly 800 people participated in this informal survey (including more than 60 astronomers),” he wrote.

The whole group’s consensus was that the signals were most likely coming from some sort of stellar activity, or some kind of astronomical phenomenon.

Most people discounted the possibility of radio interference or instrumental failures, saying these were least likely. This, Mendez explained, was hardly a scientific approach to the question.

“This is interesting since in the absence of solid information about the signal, most astronomers would think that these were probably the most likely explanation,” Mendez wrote.

Furthermore, about one quarter of respondents said “the most likely explanation of the signal was that of a communication with an Extraterrestrial Intelligence (ETI),” he added.

“These results reflect the still high expectations the public maintains on the possibility of contacting ETI.”

Still, all was not lost in these last few weeks of speculation and tumult.

“The Planetary Habitability Laboratory of the University of Puerto Rico at Arecibo made many new friends from this experience,” Mendez said, adding it had been a “great experience of open science.”

“The lesson here is that we all need to continue exploring and sharing results openly. Some people prefer to only learn about the successes, but others prefer science in real-time, no matter the end result.”

From fishtank4
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Monday 17 July 2017

ET Contact: The Implications for Post Contact - Consciousness and Medical Science

Theodore C. Loder III, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire and Member of CSETI
 Copyright: Theodore C. Loder III, 2011, All Rights Reserved 

There is much anecdotal evidence based on information from contactees that at least some of the ETs are more advanced than most humans in their understanding of the consciousness of intelligent beings and the place of such beings in the cosmos.  Once open Disclosure has taken place, humans will want very much to learn about the spiritual nature of the ETs, their view of the role of God in their various cultures (for there are many), and the nature of consciousness and intelligence.  Since many contactees have experienced contact with ETs through their minds, we can expect that expanding the capabilities of the human mind in order to communicate will become the goal of many humans.  There will be a new awakening of the science of consciousness and desire by many to learn the many skills or capabilities (such as the Siddhis) that come from meditation and the expansion of consciousness.  

 As the result of better understanding of human consciousness, there will be major advancements in medical science including the treatment of diseases and the extension of life.  This will come about as the medical profession begins to better understand the relationship between a person’s physical body and a person’s energy or spiritual body, a further understanding of the mind-body connection.  This is already happening with some experimental medicine, but is not yet generally accepted by the medical profession.  Evidence for this expectation comes from many stories told by contactees who have been diagnosed with some type of terminal illness and given a few weeks or months to live.  They later report experiencing some type of ET or spiritual contact and soon discover that they are cured.  It is difficult to totally dismiss such stories out-of-hand just because they do not fit into our present understanding of medicine.

As an example, a friend from outside the USA described to me that several years ago her doctor had diagnosed her with breast cancer.  Soon after that she had a very close and personal ET contact while in a deep meditation during which a little black box-like device passed over and inside her from her legs to her shoulders.  It was emanating what looked like static electricity, and she felt a slight pressure on her body.  She thought the friend meditating with her was touching her but when she slightly opened her eyes, she saw him in deep meditation at a distance from her.  There were also orbs of light floating in the room and she was aware of ETs walking outside the room’s closed door. Two weeks later, the next time she was examined, her cancer was totally gone.

 An improved understanding of the mind-body connection with some ET help will certainly affect our ability to help increase the human life span.  Since a very healthy body has the chance to live a longer and fuller life, life extension should be a natural result of improved health.  Whether or not we will be able to break through the 100+ earth-year’s barrier for humans is something that will result from further research.  Nevertheless, present day scientists continue to study this area, especially the role of telomeres in the aging process (Wikipedia 2011b; Ritter 2009).  For example, a recent paper by Kelsey (2011) indicates that there is a positive effect on telomere length with exposure to ELF electromagnetic resonance fields. 

Saturday 15 July 2017

Did Aliens Create The Human Race? Ancient Texts Say YES

How about it? God, Gods, or Aliens from Outer Space 
Did Aliens Create The Human Race? Ancient Texts Say YES

Lets not deny the fact that nowadays there appears to be a rather strong finger-pointing towards the fact that Aliens could very well created the Human Race! Without meaning to offend ANY religion the Science behind our existence is proving that the missing link in Mans creation 'appears' to be unknown 'Alien Genes' found in our DNA. BUT also, Ancient writings on the wall and images from past and even verses from the Bible 'appear' to show a connection with us 'the Human Race' and Alien Beings....who knows perhaps there is a creator of all in the Universe!?

Perhaps we were created to be slaves!

It is very clear that in many sacred age-old ancient texts, we can find stories reference the creation of mankind. Among the most important texts we have the Sumerian creation texts, which mention the creation of man and their creators, The Anunnaki -- "Those who from heaven came to Earth."

There are even several important Bible verses that refer to the creation of Adam and Eve, which a lot of people believe to be based on writings of Sumerian clay tablets that speak of "superior" beings which created the first human species. Genesis 1:26-27:

Then God said, "Let us make mankind in our image, in our likeness, so that they may rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky, over the livestock and all the wild animals,[a] and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

So God created mankind in his own image,
in the image of God he created them;
male and female he created them.

Is there a REAL version of Adam & Eve!?

Even in other important ancient texts, like the Popol Vuh which is known as the sacred book of the Quiché, the great Maya family, the "powerful ones from the sky" created man.

Mayan Artefacts appearing to show some kind of 'Alien' presence

I'm sure the Islam will not appreciate this thought very much, but even in the Qur'an, One night in the month of Ramadan, in the year 610 CE, Muhammad suddenly came up with a story that angel Gabriel appeared to him and gave him revelations from Allah.

Gabriel ordered Muhammad to read in the name of your god as stated in the following verses:

. Verse 96.1: "read in the name of god who created";
. Verse 96.2: "created man from a clinging substance";
. Verse 96.3: "read and your god, the most generous";
. Verse 96.4: "who taught by the pen";
. Verse 96.5: "Taught man what he did not knew".

Could this visitor of been an Alien and the clinging substance some kind of Alien genetic creation for Mankind!?

Could it of been some kind of Higher intelligence that created man!?

Even in Japanese creation myths and stories, it is believed by many that, in Ancient times, a heavenly couple descended from the heavens, breaded on Earth, leaving their children on Earth and forming the Japanese people.

This old Asian scroll from Japan depicts a Japanese merchant happening upon a small flying saucer that's landed near a rice field!

This old Asian scroll from Japan depicts a Japanese merchant happening upon a small flying saucer that's landed near a rice field!

Much evidence is suggesting that all of these apparent religious links to Aliens is actually very much fact than FICTION! Back in 2002 with the discovery of the human genome, researchers indicated that humans have 223 genes that do not have predecessors in the genetic tree of evolution -- Much evidence over the years have suggested that we were genetically created by Aliens, please read our article on this -- Scientist Confirm: Aliens Created Our Species!

It very much appears that the important answer as to why only humans have had such an abrupt evolution from all the species on Earth, could possibly be answered by the mere number of ancient texts that speak of how life was created on Planet Earth. But the BIG question is Why do we ignore them?!? Because science does not agree with them OR because the world leaders do know want us to learn the TRUTH!?!?

Even Cambridge researchers say we acquired essential 'foreign' genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times.

Even Cambridge researchers say we acquired essential 'foreign' genes from microorganisms co-habiting their environment in ancient times.

U.I.P SUMMARY -- The evidence is building up and the people are 'waking up' to the fact that we may have been created by Aliens! Scientists have even discovered what appears to be genetically modified seeds in the earths atmosphere suggesting these could have been made by Aliens to create LIFE on earth (please see our story on this HERE!)

According to MANY other top leading researchers that are far more open-minded, it does not seem far-fetched that humans were created by an advanced extra-terrestrial civilization in the far distant past, possibly with the assistance of genetic engineering, something that could perhaps help to explain the 223 plus "alien genes" present in our very own DNA.

Many important leading figures in the world have suggested that Humans were created by Aliens! Francis Crick an English biochemist, who has actually won the Nobel prize, discovered in 1953 the DNA structure. He sustained that extra-terrestrial beings discovered our world in the distant past and decided to create "intelligent" life on the planet.

The increasing evidence about our existence on Planet Earth can NO LONGER be ignored. . .. . .does this mean that religion is no longer important though?! Well NO, but it is important for the free world to keep an open mind on this very important subject? YES!!

Some scientists believe this is a seed sent to earth by aliens
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Friday 14 July 2017

ET Contact: The Implications for Post Contact - Communication Technologies

Communication Technologies

Theodore C. Loder III, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire and Member of CSETI
Copyright: Theodore C. Loder III, 2011, All Rights Reserved 

 The technology to travel rapidly between star systems would also include an understanding of physics allowing super luminal communication (SLC), also referred to as faster-than-light (FTL), which would be one of the necessary skills for both exploring space as well as colonizing space.  Thus it does not make sense that any advanced civilization visiting our solar system and planet Earth would not be able to communicate with their home planet in something approaching real time, if not instantaneously.

SLC is considered to be impossible by some researchers, as arrogantly stated by a Wikipedia article noting that: “Because such communication is considered by science to be impossible, most articles in this category are from works of fiction” (Wikipedia 2011a).  In spite of this prevailing attitude, there are many that are considering the possibilities very carefully, since some of our advanced physics has discovered that this is theoretically possible.  In a paper on technologies needed for space exploration and colonization, Loder (2002) reviewed recent scientific articles on the potential for SLC.  Over a decade ago, Wang et al. (2000) demonstrated possible faster-than-light phenomena suggesting that there will be a whole new class of scientific

phenomena that were classified as impossible by our present scientists.  Cramer (1997) discussed the possibility of faster-than-light communication and Rodrigues (2011) lists a number of references on this subject.  Bearden (2002) described in a letter the ordinary scalar potential as the basis for superluminal communication, as well as other possibilities with many citations. He also describes experiments already done at the University of Cologne, which demonstrate SLC.  The New Scientist (Anonymous 2002) reported that, "physicists at Middle Tennessee State University have broken that speed limit over distances of nearly 120 metres, using off-the-shelf equipment costing just $500."  Whether or not these initial investigations result in workable SLC technologies remains to be seen.  

However, this is only the beginning, since ET technologies are already beyond these initial experiments, which for the most part use presently understood physics.  Since it is obvious that the ETs have solved the SLC problem, their help in advancing our understanding obviously will be very helpful and will most likely involve major revisions of our present day understanding of the physics.  Here is why; advanced use of the mind and consciousness for SLC is most likely the way that ETs communicate.  After all as Edwin Schrödinger noted in 1927, “Multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind...” and “Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe” (Wilbur 1984).  Accessing this “one mind” helps explain the reports of “remote viewers” who can essentially view objects at great distances in real time without any time delay.  However, Puthoff (2008) has noted that his best assessment of how it works is “I don’t have a clue” though he noted that it may involve “multi-dimensional additional dimensions” or some some aspect of quantum entanglement.  This can be further enhanced by consciousness-assisted technology (CAT), reported to be used in black projects (Greer 1999).  The use of consciousness-assisted technology by ETs was reported by a Bell Labs scientist who was given an ET communication device the size of a grapefruit to study and to reverse engineer it in the 1960s.  The device mentally communicated with the scientist that he should destroy the device since those who wished it reproduced had malice in their hearts (Greer 1999).

The use of the mind for ET communications was reported by former Air Force Sergeant Dan Sherman in his book “Above Black” in which he describes being extensively trained as an “intuitive communicator”, in a program that was started in the early 1960s with genetic manipulation of embryos and his involvement for a number of years in the 1990s (Sherman 1998).  Most of his communications with various ETs involved recording many series of numbers, which he dutifully reported.  However, further experience allowed him to communicate on a higher “plane”, which allowed him to form questions, receive answers, and receive visual images.  The ETs noted with surprise that they had not expected humans to communicate on this higher plane.

 During almost a hundred CSETI trainings that have been run for nearly two decades, we have observed multiple ways in which the ETs communicate with members of CSETI.  These communication phenomena were described briefly in Greer (1999) and use all the human senses including mind communication, sight, touch, smell, hearing and feeling.  Ten years later members of the senior CSETI team compiled their observations and experiences into an entire book covering their amazing experiences with ET communication (Greer 2009).  Although ETs use many ways of communicating with people as noted above, the state of mind and indeed the level of consciousness of the individual often plays a critical role in the success of the communication.  For example, in 1999, near Mt. Shasta, CA a group of CSETI members attending a training, were meditating while listening to a guided meditation for peace on planet Earth, everyone had their eyes closed.  Suddenly, a member of the training, Al Dunaway, heard a distinct voice in his head telling him to look up, so he did and saw a huge triangular craft passing directly overhead.  At that point the meditation was interrupted, and everyone saw it while it was being videotaped. It was then seen two more times that week.  This is just one example of mind communication out of thousands that have occurred during CSETI trainings.

 As an aside, we see that the program called SETI is really barking up the wrong tree, with millions of dollars spent on huge radio telescopes and computer systems using the wrong technology to communicate with the ETs.  They don’t use speed of light limited technology – it is TOO slow.  This is a program most likely designed for the purpose of disinformation and misinformation.  They report no signal – therefore no one is out there.  Actually they have had some signals, but have not let the public know this.

 After open Disclosure, once people and scientists start asking how do they communicate, some of this knowledge will come out.  But it will take a deeper understanding of the nature of mind, consciousness, reality and the universe – not something that will come easily to the entrenched scientific establishment.  This is somewhat understood in covert projects, but will take awhile before it is completely understood and then accepted by the general scientific community.  Whether or not these communication techniques are related to the scalar or quantum potential described by Bearden (2002) or some other phenomena as referred to by Puthoff (2008), will have to wait until a later time. 

This is the first book of many written as a life story. George's encounters with ETs, Advanced Technologies and much more, including his harassment from the establishment.

Book 2 Available very soon

Thursday 13 July 2017

ET Contact: The Implications for Post Contact - Energy Production Technologies

 Energy Production Technologies

Theodore C. Loder III, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire and Member of CSETI
Copyright: Theodore C. Loder III, 2011, All Rights Reserved 

 As noted previously , ETs traveling interstellar distances are not using conventional Earth-type fuels but utilize the energy from space itself – so called zero-point energy or energy-from-the-vacuum.  Dan Morris noted above that we already have developed such devices in covert projects.  The ARV description by McCandlish also includes evidence that even our early ARV technology had solved this problem (Greer 2002).  There is presently a large amount of interest in the potential of such technology although public scientific support of research in this area is very small in comparison to research in more conventional means of energy generation.  Several excellent reviews of our present understanding of zero-point energy have been published by Bearden (2002), King (2001), Manning and Garbon (2009), Valone (2007) and Vassilatos (1999) as well as many others.  

 Once open Disclosure has occurred and there is an understanding that we will not need fossil fuels and a massive power grid to provide energy needs of the world, it is expected that there will be massive blowback, altering the engine of the global economy.  For example, there will no longer be the need for more “oil wars” characteristic of the first part of the 21st century.  Since we know that many of these technologies have already been developed and are being kept secret, there will probably be lawsuits and questioning of those who have withheld such knowledge from the world for their own gain.

 Keep in mind that switching from fossil fuels to zero-point energy technologies will not happen over night.  After all there are over 600 million cars in the world and many billions of homes and businesses all requiring electricity.  The world cannot replace all those vehicles overnight since the world’s annual car production is only about 50 million per year.  Developing and testing various devices to extract zero-point energy and then manufacturing them in numbers to make a significant change in the world’s energy usage will take years and the equivalent of many Manhattan Projects.  There will be a massive influx of money into this project (perhaps another bail-out), which will be nothing less than the transformation of the world, as we know it.  This availability of zero-point energy coupled with antigravity or electrogravitic transportation technology will totally alter the way people live, travel and work.  

 The “balance of power” will change.  There will be major changes in the way global money flows because 15 of the world’s 20 largest oil companies are owned by governments who rely on them for substantial income.  Furthermore, the energy sector employs a large number of people both in the US and abroad who pay government taxes.  Tax strategies within countries will change.  We are already seeing in the US, for example, where local/state governments are dealing with the road maintenance issues and hybrid/electric cars which pay minimum or no gasoline taxes.  There will be a change in the direction of the flow of money affecting the balance of trade for many countries.  Low population countries with significant oil reserves (much of the Middle East, etc.) may find themselves no longer enjoying the very high per capita income they do now.  Countries that can manufacture technology (i.e. South Korea, Japan and China and others) in large numbers will find much of that old oil money flowing to them instead of the oil rich countries.

 This will not happen overnight and we will still need petroleum products for a number of years after open Disclosure has begun, but it will alter the speculative nature of the oil industry.  There has been and there will continue to be great resistance by large corporations and some governments to changeover to these new technologies.  There will be this resistance in spite of the fact that this change would have happened anyway in the near future.  The large and shallow easy-to-extract fossil fuel deposits have been already taken and it is becoming increasingly difficult to meet the ever-increasing demands of an energy hungry world from deeper, more difficult-to-extract deposits.  The timing of the peak oil concept, in which the amount of easy-to obtain oil starts to rapidly decrease, is still argued by “experts”.  However, there is no denying petroleum is becoming more difficult and expensive to find and deliver to the market.  Whether this happens in 2 years or 20 years is still uncertain.  However, it will ultimately happen if humans are to continue living on planet Earth in a sustainable manner with our energy needs being met and pollution from energy production decreased.  Otherwise it is “Mad Max” time.    


This is the first book of many written as a life story. George's encounters with ETs, Advanced Technologies and much more, including his harassment from the establishment.

Tuesday 11 July 2017

ET Contact: The Implications for Post Contact - Transportation Technologies

 ET Contact: The Implications for Post Contact Advancements in Science and Technology

Theodore C. Loder III, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire and Member of CSETI

Copyright: Theodore C. Loder III, 2011, All Rights Reserved 

Transportation Technologies

 The technology to travel rapidly between star systems will include an understanding of physics necessary to bypass normal speed of light limitations as expressed by present day physics and provide the energy to do so.  Once open Disclosure has occurred and people accept the fact the ETs are already visiting Earth, one of the first questions asked will be how do they get here?  The follow up question should be, if they can do this, why can’t we?  The answer is that we can or at least we are developing the technology to do so.  Since the early experiments of T.T. Brown (late 1920s to 1960s) and others, humans have been developing anti-gravity transportation technologies based on both human science and reverse engineered ET engineering.  In this review, the term anti-gravity is used although some as counter-gravity or electrogravitics also refers it to.  The development of these technologies has been reviewed by several authors including Loder (2002), Valone (2004, 2006), LaViolette (2008) and many others.

 Do we already have at least some of these technologies – the answer is yes.  Multiple military witnesses for the Disclosure Project (Greer 2001) described covert military programs from the late 1950s onward, in which we had already developed working antigravity or electrogravitic aircraft.  For example, Dan Morris, a retired NRO operative noted that: “UFOs are both extra-terrestrial and man-made (Greer 2001, p. 364).  He also noted that we already had zeropoint energy devices with no need to plug them in, devices that burn nothing and create no pollution.  Another witness, A.H. (who worked for Boeing Aerospace) noted that “Most of the craft operate on antigravity and electro-gravitic propulsion “ and “We’re flying anti-gravity vehicles up there (Area 51) and in Utah right now…” (Greer 2001, p. 402).  Bill Uhouse (USMC ret.) worked as a test pilot on “exotic aircraft” (actual flying disks) for about 30 years.  He noted that “Over the last 40 years or so, not counting the simulators - I’m talking about actual craft - there are probably two or three-dozen, and various sizes that we built” (Greer 2001, p. 384-387).  He also noted that one of the craft he worked on was “a controlled craft that the aliens wanted to present to our government – the U.S.A.”  There were four aliens on board and everything was taken to Los Alamos to be studied.  Mark McCandlish, an aerospace illustrator, illustrated one of the 3 ARVs (alien reproduction vehicles, also described as Flux Liners) described by Brad Sorensen, who visited a hanger on Norton Airbase in November 1988 (Greer 2001, p. 497-510).  In it he described, “three flying saucers floating off the floor—no cables suspended from the ceiling holding them up, no landing gear underneath—just floating, hovering above the floor”.  They were between 24 and 60 ft in diameter, man-made, and started up using 2 large 24-volt batteries.  We can only assume that the technology of these types of craft has continued to develop significantly because those he saw were built over a quarter of a century ago.  It is worth noting that it appears that there was some cooperation between the ETs and the US government in those early days.  We can only hope that once open Disclosure has occurred this cooperation can again resume in an open and public manner.

 How far has the development of these transportation technologies evolved?  We can only take to heart the comments by Ben Rich, the former head of Lockheed Skunkworks, who noted to Jan
Harzan and others (in 1993) that we already have the technology to take ET home (Keller 2010, p 168).  In a private conversation at that time, Harzan asked Rich, how it (UFO propulsion) works.  Rich replied, “Let me ask you.  How does ESP work?” Harzan replied,” All points in time and space are connected?” Rich replied, “That’s how it works!  This concept was noted by Shrödinger in 1927 (see communications section below).

"Not making this information available to the world is a major criminal act by covert control groups in order to extract monies from the public and control the global economies for their gain (Greer 2001; Marrs 2010)." 

 One of the major reasons for the massive cover up of ET information that has occurred over the past 60 plus years is because it deals with our entire multi-trillion dollar transportation and energy sector.  Not making this information available to the world is a major criminal act by covert control groups in order to extract monies from the public and control the global economies for their gain (Greer 2001; Marrs 2010).  Imagine that future earth societies will not need fossil fuels to power our transportation needs and will require fewer roads as anti-gravity technologies begin to be used.  The development of these technologies for public use will have an immense impact on all aspects of human endeavors including, not only simple transportation of goods and people, but also the entire fossil fuel/energy sector, the global banking industry, global manufacturing, and global politics.  It is no wonder that the control groups have kept this information secret since they are afraid of losing control once open Disclosure has occurred. 

Mining Complex on the Moon?

I would not be surprised if these were real buildings. What do you think? For further information on unexplained phenomena