Friday 14 July 2017

ET Contact: The Implications for Post Contact - Communication Technologies

Communication Technologies

Theodore C. Loder III, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire and Member of CSETI
Copyright: Theodore C. Loder III, 2011, All Rights Reserved 

 The technology to travel rapidly between star systems would also include an understanding of physics allowing super luminal communication (SLC), also referred to as faster-than-light (FTL), which would be one of the necessary skills for both exploring space as well as colonizing space.  Thus it does not make sense that any advanced civilization visiting our solar system and planet Earth would not be able to communicate with their home planet in something approaching real time, if not instantaneously.

SLC is considered to be impossible by some researchers, as arrogantly stated by a Wikipedia article noting that: “Because such communication is considered by science to be impossible, most articles in this category are from works of fiction” (Wikipedia 2011a).  In spite of this prevailing attitude, there are many that are considering the possibilities very carefully, since some of our advanced physics has discovered that this is theoretically possible.  In a paper on technologies needed for space exploration and colonization, Loder (2002) reviewed recent scientific articles on the potential for SLC.  Over a decade ago, Wang et al. (2000) demonstrated possible faster-than-light phenomena suggesting that there will be a whole new class of scientific

phenomena that were classified as impossible by our present scientists.  Cramer (1997) discussed the possibility of faster-than-light communication and Rodrigues (2011) lists a number of references on this subject.  Bearden (2002) described in a letter the ordinary scalar potential as the basis for superluminal communication, as well as other possibilities with many citations. He also describes experiments already done at the University of Cologne, which demonstrate SLC.  The New Scientist (Anonymous 2002) reported that, "physicists at Middle Tennessee State University have broken that speed limit over distances of nearly 120 metres, using off-the-shelf equipment costing just $500."  Whether or not these initial investigations result in workable SLC technologies remains to be seen.  

However, this is only the beginning, since ET technologies are already beyond these initial experiments, which for the most part use presently understood physics.  Since it is obvious that the ETs have solved the SLC problem, their help in advancing our understanding obviously will be very helpful and will most likely involve major revisions of our present day understanding of the physics.  Here is why; advanced use of the mind and consciousness for SLC is most likely the way that ETs communicate.  After all as Edwin Schrödinger noted in 1927, “Multiplicity is only apparent, in truth, there is only one mind...” and “Quantum physics thus reveals a basic oneness of the universe” (Wilbur 1984).  Accessing this “one mind” helps explain the reports of “remote viewers” who can essentially view objects at great distances in real time without any time delay.  However, Puthoff (2008) has noted that his best assessment of how it works is “I don’t have a clue” though he noted that it may involve “multi-dimensional additional dimensions” or some some aspect of quantum entanglement.  This can be further enhanced by consciousness-assisted technology (CAT), reported to be used in black projects (Greer 1999).  The use of consciousness-assisted technology by ETs was reported by a Bell Labs scientist who was given an ET communication device the size of a grapefruit to study and to reverse engineer it in the 1960s.  The device mentally communicated with the scientist that he should destroy the device since those who wished it reproduced had malice in their hearts (Greer 1999).

The use of the mind for ET communications was reported by former Air Force Sergeant Dan Sherman in his book “Above Black” in which he describes being extensively trained as an “intuitive communicator”, in a program that was started in the early 1960s with genetic manipulation of embryos and his involvement for a number of years in the 1990s (Sherman 1998).  Most of his communications with various ETs involved recording many series of numbers, which he dutifully reported.  However, further experience allowed him to communicate on a higher “plane”, which allowed him to form questions, receive answers, and receive visual images.  The ETs noted with surprise that they had not expected humans to communicate on this higher plane.

 During almost a hundred CSETI trainings that have been run for nearly two decades, we have observed multiple ways in which the ETs communicate with members of CSETI.  These communication phenomena were described briefly in Greer (1999) and use all the human senses including mind communication, sight, touch, smell, hearing and feeling.  Ten years later members of the senior CSETI team compiled their observations and experiences into an entire book covering their amazing experiences with ET communication (Greer 2009).  Although ETs use many ways of communicating with people as noted above, the state of mind and indeed the level of consciousness of the individual often plays a critical role in the success of the communication.  For example, in 1999, near Mt. Shasta, CA a group of CSETI members attending a training, were meditating while listening to a guided meditation for peace on planet Earth, everyone had their eyes closed.  Suddenly, a member of the training, Al Dunaway, heard a distinct voice in his head telling him to look up, so he did and saw a huge triangular craft passing directly overhead.  At that point the meditation was interrupted, and everyone saw it while it was being videotaped. It was then seen two more times that week.  This is just one example of mind communication out of thousands that have occurred during CSETI trainings.

 As an aside, we see that the program called SETI is really barking up the wrong tree, with millions of dollars spent on huge radio telescopes and computer systems using the wrong technology to communicate with the ETs.  They don’t use speed of light limited technology – it is TOO slow.  This is a program most likely designed for the purpose of disinformation and misinformation.  They report no signal – therefore no one is out there.  Actually they have had some signals, but have not let the public know this.

 After open Disclosure, once people and scientists start asking how do they communicate, some of this knowledge will come out.  But it will take a deeper understanding of the nature of mind, consciousness, reality and the universe – not something that will come easily to the entrenched scientific establishment.  This is somewhat understood in covert projects, but will take awhile before it is completely understood and then accepted by the general scientific community.  Whether or not these communication techniques are related to the scalar or quantum potential described by Bearden (2002) or some other phenomena as referred to by Puthoff (2008), will have to wait until a later time. 

This is the first book of many written as a life story. George's encounters with ETs, Advanced Technologies and much more, including his harassment from the establishment.

Book 2 Available very soon

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Mining Complex on the Moon?

I would not be surprised if these were real buildings. What do you think? For further information on unexplained phenomena