Monday 17 July 2017

ET Contact: The Implications for Post Contact - Consciousness and Medical Science

Theodore C. Loder III, PhD Professor Emeritus, University of New Hampshire and Member of CSETI
 Copyright: Theodore C. Loder III, 2011, All Rights Reserved 

There is much anecdotal evidence based on information from contactees that at least some of the ETs are more advanced than most humans in their understanding of the consciousness of intelligent beings and the place of such beings in the cosmos.  Once open Disclosure has taken place, humans will want very much to learn about the spiritual nature of the ETs, their view of the role of God in their various cultures (for there are many), and the nature of consciousness and intelligence.  Since many contactees have experienced contact with ETs through their minds, we can expect that expanding the capabilities of the human mind in order to communicate will become the goal of many humans.  There will be a new awakening of the science of consciousness and desire by many to learn the many skills or capabilities (such as the Siddhis) that come from meditation and the expansion of consciousness.  

 As the result of better understanding of human consciousness, there will be major advancements in medical science including the treatment of diseases and the extension of life.  This will come about as the medical profession begins to better understand the relationship between a person’s physical body and a person’s energy or spiritual body, a further understanding of the mind-body connection.  This is already happening with some experimental medicine, but is not yet generally accepted by the medical profession.  Evidence for this expectation comes from many stories told by contactees who have been diagnosed with some type of terminal illness and given a few weeks or months to live.  They later report experiencing some type of ET or spiritual contact and soon discover that they are cured.  It is difficult to totally dismiss such stories out-of-hand just because they do not fit into our present understanding of medicine.

As an example, a friend from outside the USA described to me that several years ago her doctor had diagnosed her with breast cancer.  Soon after that she had a very close and personal ET contact while in a deep meditation during which a little black box-like device passed over and inside her from her legs to her shoulders.  It was emanating what looked like static electricity, and she felt a slight pressure on her body.  She thought the friend meditating with her was touching her but when she slightly opened her eyes, she saw him in deep meditation at a distance from her.  There were also orbs of light floating in the room and she was aware of ETs walking outside the room’s closed door. Two weeks later, the next time she was examined, her cancer was totally gone.

 An improved understanding of the mind-body connection with some ET help will certainly affect our ability to help increase the human life span.  Since a very healthy body has the chance to live a longer and fuller life, life extension should be a natural result of improved health.  Whether or not we will be able to break through the 100+ earth-year’s barrier for humans is something that will result from further research.  Nevertheless, present day scientists continue to study this area, especially the role of telomeres in the aging process (Wikipedia 2011b; Ritter 2009).  For example, a recent paper by Kelsey (2011) indicates that there is a positive effect on telomere length with exposure to ELF electromagnetic resonance fields. 

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Mining Complex on the Moon?

I would not be surprised if these were real buildings. What do you think? For further information on unexplained phenomena